2 min read
Etymology and the voyages of words
Izzy Smale, London We use many words that have Greek origins, for example: amoral, asymmetric, barometer, chronology, demagogue,...
2 min read
An Ancient Greek Voyage to the Moon?
Laura Brownlow, London Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα (A True Story) By Lucian of Samosata ‘A True Story’, written by Lucian of Samosata, is a novella...
2 min read
Horace's Propempticon | Translation
Maaira Khan, London In antiquity, a propempticon was a poem written with the purpose of sending a friend off on a good voyage. When...
7 min read
Two Weary Travelers: Comparing Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid
Maaira Khan, London Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid both narrate the tumultuous voyages of travellers following the sack of Troy. In...
3 min read
Theseus and the Minotaur
Jinyoung Kil, Jeju The origin of the Minotaur starts from King Minos of Crete asking Poseidon (God of the Sea) to lend him a strong bull...
2 min read
Trading in Ancient Rome
Yena Cho, Jeju Trading was an essential part of the Roman empire; as the Romans gradually developed a more sophisticated economy from...
4 min read
“On the Ocean”- the legendary voyage of Pytheas
Thomas Zhan, Jeju Pytheas, a mythical figure of ancient Greece, is known as the first Greek to ever visit and describe the British Isles...
2 min read
Seas battles and different types of ships in the ancient world
Rock Ruan, Jeju In the ancient world, ships did not have as advanced technologies as today, and the main way of moving a gigantic ship...
2 min read
Ancient Greek Transportation
Andrew Cheon, Jeju The ancient Greek world was generally an impressive era with numerous advancements in many areas from technology to...
3 min read
Voyage of the term “Republic”: From the Roman Republic to the Republic states in the 21st century
Sarah Seong, Jeju A language is a tool of communication, a social contract in which people make an implicit promise setting certain words...