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Travel and Voyage in the Ancient World

From mythic travails to the voyages of conquerors, mankind's thurst to explore beyond the world they know has been, and will always be, what makes us human. This edition explores the very nature of ancient exploration itself...

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Fun and Games!

Travel and voyages crossword

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by Sunny Bae, Jeju

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by Angelina Lee, Jeju

by Hyeon Moon, Jeju


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Reading Recommendations

Homer's Odyssey

Virgil's Aeneid

Herodotus' Histories

Apollonius' Argonautica

The Lost Books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason

How Language Began by Daniel Everett

Travels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapuscinski

Lavinia by Ursula Le Guin

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